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Date Published:Oct. 14. 2016 Date Updated:Nov. 24. 2020

Points to Consider When Mounting Displays

In recent years we have received similar inquiries from many customers asking for good solutions on how to “mount external displays on machine equipment”.
Such inquiries do not come from a singular industry sector, but in fact from many industry sectors such as machine tooling, assembling or medical equipment.
Each of these inquiries is based on customer needs, and these needs can mostly be categorized with two reasons.

The need for fixing a display externally

The first reason is to improve usage of LED monitors or tablets. Their prices became encouraging for wide usage. With these displays, one can indicate multiple layers of information in smart ways; furthermore, one can use them as touch panels for operation.

The second reason is that it is more convenient to mount displays externally. Doing so allows operators to easily adjust the position and angle of these displays to fit ones height or the way of operation. Also, externally mounted displays can be replaced as display technology advances year after year.

Given these reasons, what are the key points we need to consider in design work, when we want to mount external displays to machinery?

Robustness and Flexiblility

They are “robustness” and “flexibility”.
The word “robustness” refers not only to strength, but also the high rigidity needed to hold the display.
If the display is hard to read due to vibration of machinery, or if the display moves whenever you touch it, the quality or reliability of the whole machine equipment will be questioned.
Therefore, displays should be fixed by dedicated mounting systems in order to stable structural parts such as aluminum profiles.
Of course, the mounting system itself needs to have enough strength and rigidity.

On the other hand, “flexibility” to support convenient use for operators is another important requirement.
For example, it is convenient if the operator can move the position or angle of the display at the time of their rotation, or depending on the angle of sun-light from outside which changes over time.
Ideally, these adjustments of display position or angle should be made without tools.
Also, the joint should not get loosened after repeated movement of the display, and lastly the holding torque should be maintained.

NBK launched our unique Display Mounting Systems which combined “robustness” and “flexibility” in 2006.
Since then, we have enhanced the variation of the system thereby meeting wider needs.

You can choose the most suitable way to fix the display and to mount it on machinery from a wide range of solutions.
Also, you can fix the system to solid areas of machinery, such as aluminum profiles or structural pipes, depending on the structure of your machine design.
Display Mounting Systems Main page

When you are looking for smart solutions, please check NBK’s Display Mounting Systems.

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